The Perfect Match

Original post date: 3 June 1987
Rating: ✭✭✰✰

What the heck is this? A contemporary comedy about single people in the 1980s trying to have a relationship… with no sex in it? Yes, it’s true! Tim and Nancy are two single people in L.A. who are at that scary age of 29. Tim (Mark McClure, Jimmy Olsen in the Superman movies) works in a large corporation and isn’t sure what he’s supposed to be doing there. His active life mainly includes watching basketball games on TV. Nancy (Jennifer Edwards, Blake’s daughter) is a bookworm and perpetual student (she has 503 units out of the 180 required for graduation) with a nothing job in a video store. The plot is familiar. They each have the requisite best friend giving them lots of bad advice. Through an improbable series of events, Tim places a personal ad that describes the perfect single male, and Nancy answers it. They both pretend to be what they are not: rich, interesting, cultured, athletic. They go on a hilarious weekend trip into the mountains to do things neither has ever done before, hoping the other doesn’t notice: skiing, horseback riding, tennis, backpacking. It’s all predictable but very well done and there are a lot of very funny moments. This is another one of those low-budget, independent Hollywood films which are often such pleasant surprises. Unfortunately, I fear they may have to dub a few dirty words into the soundtrack so they can at least get a PG rating if they hope to get a distributor.


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